Trigger Point Therapy
Increase Energy
Reduce Headaches
Manage Chronic Pain
Trigger Point Therapy At South Pointe Physical Rehab
Trigger Points are sore spots in your body’s soft tissue that are responsible for pain symptoms. The pain symptoms caused by these Trigger Points can be reduced through Trigger Point Therapy, which consists of various methods used on the area of pain such as massage and dry needling, often rewarding patients with instant pain relief to the effected area. While there are many causes of physical pain symptoms, Trigger Point Therapy can be a piece of the treatment puzzle to reduce pain and increase quality of life.
These trigger points are essentially muscle “knots”, which are experienced by everyone at some point in their life, which can vary in intensity and amount depending on the individual. When left untreated over time, these effected areas can build up toxins, which may have a variety of negative consequences to your overall health. As the severity of trigger points increases, so does the stiffness and aching that is experienced as pain symptoms. Trigger Points have been found to be a key factor involved in headaches & migraines, neck pain, shoulder pain, and back pain.
Trigger Point Injections are used to treat these painful areas of skeletal muscle that contain trigger points/knots. These areas are often associated with spasm, inflammation, and nodules and/or taut bands and can stimulate more widespread musculoskeletal pain. South Pointe Physical Rehab provides non-steroidal trigger point injections as an option to decrease pain and associated radiation.
What Are The Benefits Of Trigger Point Therapy?
One of the most impactful benefits of this type of therapy is that for many patients it provides them with a solution to manage their pain symptoms that works as an alternative to surgery and / or medications. When these trigger points are relieved, any built up toxins in the surrounding area will also be released into the body. Keeping this in mind, it is important to drink lots of fluids following a session to give your body the resource it needs to properly dispose of these toxins.
Some of the many other benefits include:
- Reduced Muscle Tightness
- Increased Mobility
- Increased Range of Motion
- Pain Symptom Relief
- Headache Relief
- Chronic Pain Reduction
- Increased Energy